Looking for volunteer opportunities in Town? Stop by the Stonington Non-Profits Volunteer Fair on Saturday, June 1 from 10 to 12. The Fair will be on the lawn outside the Library facing Water St. A number of non-profit organizations will be in attendance to discuss volunteer opportunities.
The Volunteer Fair is yet another initiative of the Stonington Non-Profit Roundtable. The Roundtable meets once a month and is made up of over 40 local organizations. The goal of the Roundtable is to connect local non-profits with one another in order to share resources, collaborate and learn more about each other. Accomplishments since the group began meeting in 2017 include:
• A meet and greet of board and staff members participating in the Roundtable.
• A survey and inventory of participating organizations to discover areas for collaboration and sharing of resources.
• An Intern Expo and Career Day at Stonington High School.
• A tax reform information session which discussed the impact of the 2018 tax reform on non-profits.
• A Community Fair called Spring Fest at Stonington Human Services.
• The Town of Stonington funded Grantstation for use by anyone at the Library to find grant funding.
If you are interested in joining the meetings of the Stonington Non-Profit Roundtable please email stoningtonnpo@gmail.com.