Here’s what you need to know about how the interior renovation will affect you: We will continue to offer curbside pick-up and telephone support most days during the interior renovation. Please check our website or social media regularly for updates. You can also call or email us. There will be future dates when curbside pick-up and telephone support are not available during the renovation.
Adult Summer Reading Program 2019
Our Adult Summer Reading Program is back from Monday, June 17 through Friday, August 2.
Announcing The J.D. McClatchy Memorial Corner
We are very excited to announce that The J. D. McClatchy Memorial Corner in the Library Gallery is completed. Our patrons and visitors are welcome to browse and enjoy this unique collection, a gift of the estate of J. D. (Sandy) McClatchy (August 12th 1945-April 10th 2018) to the Stonington Free Library. This collection is non-circulating, but can be explored and enjoyed within this special place.
The Great Stonington Read Winter Reading Challenges
THE GREAT STONINGTON READ is the umbrella for our Winter Reading Challenges, 50 to Grow On (ages 7 and younger), Family Reading Challenge (school age) and Read BOLD! (teens –
Little Free Libraries
The Little Free Library movement began in 2009 when Todd Bol built a miniature model schoolhouse, put it on a post in his front yard, filled it with books and put up a
sign stating, “Free Books.” It was a way to honor his mom—a former school teacher— and to share his love of reading with his neighborhood. The idea took off, and now there are thousands of Little Free Libraries and thanks to a collaboration between the Stonington Village Improvement Association, Stonington High School and the Library, we have four of these magical structures right here in Stonington.
Library Receives $550 Grant from Mystic Woman’s Club
Our sincerest thanks to the Mystic Woman’s Club for their grant of $550 which has allowed us to purchase an additional book cart and materials for our branch at the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center. Library volunteers run the PNC branch every Wednesday from 10 to 11:30. Stop by to sign up for a library card, check out items or place requests for items to be brought at an upcoming visit. The Library’s collaboration with the PNC to create this branch began in January 2017. Since it began the branch has served 301 people who have checked out 514 items.
Summer Reading 2018
Thanks to our Donors!
Adult Summer Reading 2018
Our Adult Summer Reading Program is back from Monday, June 18 through Friday, August 3. Participating is easy! Each time you visit the Library and check out materials, enter our weekly drawing – entry forms will be available at the front desk.
CT Authors Trail 2018
The Library is once again participating in the Connecticut Authors Trail, now in its 10th Season. This event is organized by a consortium of Eastern Connecticut Libraries and features Connecticut authors who are invited by participating libraries to present their work. The Trail begins on July 10th and ends on September 20th with a Grand Finale at Mohegan Sun. This year our Connecticut author will be Gail MacDonald, an associate professor in residence in the journalism department at UCONN Storrs. On Thursday, August 30th at 6:30 pm here at the Library Professor MacDonald will be talking about her book “Morton F. Plant and the Connecticut Shoreline: Philanthropy in the Gilded Age.” Morton Plant was one of the founders of Connecticut College and also the Shennecossett Golf Club.
Area Rotary Clubs Fund New Community Read Program
“When we read together – when a grandfather reads to a granddaughter, when a teacher reads to a classroom, when a parent reads to a child, when a sister reads