If you live in Stonington, then there is a darn good chance that you either know Nick Kepple or benefit from his tireless work. If you have not yet met him, please allow me the pleasure of introducing you by characterizing the many roles he plays in our community. He is the father of four, a dedicated husband (it will be 44 years this July), a beloved probate judge who consistently demonstrates kindness, compassion and a steadfast drive to do what is right for those who come before him. When it is Christmas, he is Santa; he portrays St. Nick so effectively because Nick Kepple embodies the spirit of joy, generosity and commitment so completely. Among many other things, he is the President of the Board of Trustees of the Stonington Free Library. By now, you undoubtedly see a pattern in these roles that describe his character—selfless community servant and leader, with a love for family and community at his core.
Nick’s efforts have had remarkable impact on our Stonington Free Library (SFL) at a time when many small libraries are in decline. He has served as president of the SFL Board of Trustees during a time of dramatic change, when a great leader is essential. Nick has been building on the legacy of his mother Bettie—a devoted SFL librarian—by inspiring a whole community to understand the anchoring role of their library and the importance of investing in it. Nick has great passion; his true talent is bringing us all, with our diverse perspectives, together to determine and reach a common goal. In doing this he is a champion for Stonington and all of us who live here but in the true Library way, gently and humbly. For that, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank Nick Kepple for his great service; its impact is certainly not lost on us.