Stonington Free Library is proud to announce that it has received a $7,500.00 Quality of Life grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. The Quality of Life program awards grants to fellow nonprofits that mirror the Reeve Foundation’s mission and commitment to foster community engagement, enhance independence and promote healthy self-esteem.
The Library will use the grant for accessibility improvements; specifically the award will support architectural design consultant fees for DeWright Design, LLC to develop accessibility modification plans.
“We are continually looking for new ways for individuals living with paralysis to reintegrate themselves into the community through our grant recipient programs,” said Maggie Goldberg, VP of Policy and Programs. “Whether it is a small grant for a ramp to access a public building, or a larger award to support an accessible playground or create a transportation service, each project brings us closer to our ultimate goal of full inclusion and independence.”
The Stonington Free Library is honored to be a recipient of a Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Quality of Life grant. We are very thankful organizations like theirs exist so that we can improve the programs and services offered to all our patrons.