Stonington Free Library (SFL) is pleased to announce new Board of Trustees leadership and members. At their annual meeting in July, the Board elected Kevin Bowdler as the new Board President, Betsy Bowman as Treasurer, Diana Beck as Secretary, and Allegra Griffiths as Vice-President. The Board also welcomes new member Julie Quinn. After six years of service, Rich Cole retired from the Board; we thank him for his dedication and generous support of the library.
New Board President Kevin Bowdler was born and educated in Australia. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in Accounting and Computer Science in 1979. Kevin worked for several Australian companies in their Finance departments before traveling overseas for two years. In between travels he lived and worked in London. Upon returning to Australia, he obtained a job with JP Morgan in Sydney. In 1992, he was transferred to New York with JP Morgan. Kevin was promoted and transferred through several different jobs in several different countries. He and his family have spent time living in Singapore, London, New York and eventually India before leaving JP Morgan and relocating back to Stonington, CT where they live with their two sons. Kevin has been involved in several business ventures such as a window replacement company, a shared co-working space and a burger restaurant. Kevin has been on the SFL Board since December 2019, previously serving as Treasurer and Vice-President. He also is the Vice-Chair of the Stonington Economic Development Commission and serves on the Stonington Borough Planning and Zoning Commission.
Kevin thanked outgoing co-presidents Allegra Griffiths and Denise Easton “for the great job they have done in stewarding the Library through a successful building expansion, a Capital Campaign raise and a succession of the Library Director”. He joked “Not much to do now except keep calm and carry on!”. He added “I love the Library and the whole concept of libraries being places where we share intellectual ideas through books, streaming services, talks and coming together in community groups”.